domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

Researching about VIRTUAL EDUCATION

I´ve just decided to start this research/study, because I started teaching when the E-board revolution started back in 2007. Of course I know and can teach with regular markers, but the so-called E-boards or the Interactive White Boards have been calling my attention. Oh, buy the way, I used to be a teacher at Cultura Inglesa Porto Velho - Rondonia. But now Im a teacher at Cultura Inglesa in Niterói - RJ.

So, as I was saying..These boards are connected to the internet and we can also use them as normal computers in class. The teacher can write on it using a mousepen that is part of a special programme designed for it. Some of them are Activprimary and Actvstudio from Promethean. Since I have nearly 3 years of experience with e-bords, I have been having insights. Therefore, I felt the need of studying about that in more detail.

Specially, because Ive designed a VIRTUAL DIARY, special e-mail accounts for my students and like many other teachers, Ive also been taking advantage of vurtual aids. The thing is, many teachers have email accounts for their students..but only teachers who use e-boards can have a virtual diary in the way I have designed. I need to organize my ideas to present it to the public in a more academic way urgently. But to cut a long story short, all I want is to share my experience with fellow teachers in order to improve things and talk about the ideas Ive been having! I might present it at ABCI 2010 here in Rio. Thing is, I might not have time to finish the proprosal by Feb 02nd...we´ll see.

Please, feel free to add more sites to our list! Dont hesitate to comment on that and give your opinion about it if you feel like!

For now, here are some of the things Ive been reading. Welcome!

2 comentários:

  1. 1) Blog já deixa de ser mero diário virtual
    Professores o usam para intercâmbio de informações e difusão de idéias
    Publicado em 29/05/2008 - 12:30


    2) Titulo Entre o diário virtual e o diário de classe: traços de identidade profissional de professores na blogosfera
    Autor(es) Juliane Regina Martins de Almeida Guedes



    3) sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009
    No mundo dos blogs– o diário virtual na escola

    SITE: Http://

    4) 26/02/2003 - 08h26
    Diários virtuais se popularizam na internet


    5) ABCI 2010: As principais tendencias e o futuro da Língua Inglesa:
    ABCI Conference 2010 - Visions for a Sustainable Future

    De 15 a 17 de julho de 2010, no Rio de Janeiro, se realizará a 9ª ABCI Conference. Um grande evento, patrocinado pela Cultura Inglesa Rio de Janeiro, para discutir questões estratégicas sobre o ensino da língua inglesa no Brasil e no contexto latino-americano. O evento, exclusivo para professores da Associação Brasileira das Culturas Inglesas de todo país, contará com a presença de importantes palestrantes internacionais.


  2. Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
